Monday, June 17, 2013

1 Nephi 3:7

"I have been out for 2 months! Can you believe that? It's so insane. Every day goes by faster and faster and I know it'll feel like a week, and I will be home again. The mission is the greatest. I am happy knowing that I am doing what Heavenly Father wants for me, and that this is going to be the best thing to prepare me for my life. So just to get to the point, my mission is reading the Book of Mormon in 75 days, and everyone should join! That would be so great. We could have an emailing Book of Mormon club. The Book of Mormon will answer any question or concern that you have, and I know that you can come closer to Heavenly Father, and get a better understanding and application of the Atonement through it. SO yes, email Book of Mormon reading club! Hooray. I cannot wait!" 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Doctrine and Covenants 60:2-3

“I finished my first transfer! What the what. I have been out in the field 6 weeks. Craziness! I am with Sister Fernandez again, and in the same YSA ward. I am so happy. The ward is great, and supportive. Just in case anyone wanted to know that I am still funny and awkward. I will assure you that I am. During a Restoration lesson with an investigator I accidently ripped pg. 1537 right out of my Bible. On the back of this page is James 1:5, yup the Joseph Smith scripture that I use all the day long, and I just went ahead and ripped it right out. I had to try not to kill the Spirit of the lesson, and act all cool about ripping my scriptures. Like it was no big thing. Sister Fernandez told me that the ward see's me as their friend, and that she is the business women, and that we bring balance. I'll take that any day. A member in the ward asked me to be a bride’s maid for her when she gets married next year. I will be home from my mission, and of course I said yes. So I love my ward even though all the boys insist on wearing polos to church.
I had my first baptism! It was incredible! It went perfectly. The investigator is 19, and she just graduated from high school. She is just sweet, and it is contagious. She told me that she is really happy that I am here for another transfer. It is really nice when people say that they like you, and appreciate your hard work because mostly I just feel like a creep because I love and care about my ward so much, and I was worried that it was one sided.

I am so happy, so freakly, and so excited about being on a mission and serving Heavenly Father whole heartily. Love you all." 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Alma 36:20

"I've learned a really great lesson this week that the harder you work the happier you are. Don't be confused thinking that because I worked harder that somehow we just had so much work, nope actually the opposite, we had about zero work this week. We gave our all, and nothing really came from it. Friday was the first day this past week that someone let us in their house, and it was a less-active member, great but they just need friends. But the Lord always gives tender mercies that make everything worth it. So, my first investigator is getting baptized on Saturday! Umm what. How did that happen you ask? Well I will tell you. Some Elders were teaching a girl, and she is 19 graduating from high school this year. They taught her all the lessons, set her for baptism, and then called us to take over so she can have an easy transition into the YSA ward. We've taught her once, and joined the Elders for a lesson. She came to the YSA ward this week, and is already friends with everyone. She's so great. SO that is the story of my first baptism. Heavenly Father just put her on a silver platter, and passed her over. We may not have been able to teach her everything or been able to teach anyone else but it was enough. I will get the door slammed on my face a thousand fold for just that tender mercy. I will get the door slammed on my face a million fold if that's what God wants. I do try to talk to the people before, and even after they slam the door, but only God, and themselves can soften their hearts.