Monday, September 30, 2013

Alma 29:5

"We are just teaching up a storm! Seriously.
Let me tell you about R, my investigator. He met with missionaries 2 years ago, but couldn't quite smoking so he couldn't get baptized well he quit smoking, and saw some missionaries on the street went up to them, and said "I quit smoking, and am ready to be baptized!" He is so great; he calls to confirm appointments before we go. He called me today saying that he couldn't read the Book of Mormon because he's eyes were blurry, and he was just calling to say sorry. He has a lot of health problems. He came to church yesterday, and it was the cutest thing he kept doing whatever I was doing, like if I leaned forward on my knees, he would, or if I prayed, he would, or if I'd nod my head in agreement, he would. I bore my testimony, and then he asked me if he was allowed. I told him "of course" even though I was a little nervous because we have only been meeting with him for about two weeks, but he got up there and first thing he says is "I'm not baptized yet but I just want to say that I know that Christ lives, and that Joseph Smith really did restore His church to the earth." he goes on to say that he's felt the Holy Ghost more in his life now, that he's been reading the Book of Mormon (even though he doesn't understand most of what he reads), and believes that is true, and through all this he kept saying how the sisters helped him learn this, he brought us up multiple times. I was beaming! It was so, so, so great! One funny thing is that because of medication that he is on he has to drink a LOT of water. He brought a little duffle bag to church full of water, during sacrament he drank three bottles. So after he bore his testimony, I tell him he did so great, and he says thanks, and because of all the water he has a lot of saliva, and he spit a little on my face. jajajaja so spiritual to spit! I didn't even mind though. Then in my next ward our investigator who got married on Saturday so that she get baptized bore her testimony! Right after she got married, all she said was "Now I'm right with God!" It was so great! I told her congratulations, and she said "Thank you, it just feels so right to be keeping all of God's commandments. Life is so great; I am LOVING being a missionary! It's hard work, but I am just utilizing the enabling power of the Atonement, and pushing through. One thing that I am learning is that I get to chose what my attitude is. I get to chose to be happy, and that's not dependent on my investigators or my companion, it's dependent on me. I love that. Every day is perfect when I chose how I want to use my agency. Love life."

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Omni 1:26

Turns out that I got transferred to the chosen land. We were off to a rocky start because our area book was in shambles, the members were only semi-supportive, and we had so many meetings that we didn't really have the time to organize things. Well this past week we had training that lite the fire in our zone, and miracles. I’m serving in two family wards and they only had a couple of investigators in both wards (the area had some missionaries for a really long time so things were pretty stagnant). This last weekend was full of miracles; we got 5 new investigators, and set 3 of them to be baptized in the first lesson. All three with dates are pretty golden. The one is Sister D, she cried when she heard the First Vision, and she told us she's never felt this way about any religion. She kept saying how she knows that this is the truth she's been looking for. I had never felt such a strong spirit as when we taught her the Restoration. You know when you bear your testimony, and you get kind light headed because the Spirit is strong, and you don't really know what you said but people thanked you afterwards. That is what it was like during this Restoration lesson. I knew words were coming out of my mouth, but I really can't remember what I said. I just remember this intense Spirit. Miracles happen! I'm learning more, and more every day. I'm obsessed with being on a mission right now (I want to come home one day, and go to Burger Baron), even though my companion is always on my case because I always have worldly songs stuck in my head, but besides that things are super great. Mission love.

Acts 2:37-38

Hey, I have been out 5 months! 5 months! That means I only have 13 more months, that kind of seems like a long time but that's only a month longer than a year, and year really isn't that long. (haha this is what missionaries think about time, everything is so short.) So I had a suppppperr great, incredible, amazing, sent from heaven week! Elder Neil L. Anderson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles came, and spoke to our mission on Tuesday, and it was perfect. He went around and shook everyone's hands, and there was a gap before me, and he said "Hello, Sister Smith, nice to shake your hand!" Oh my, here is a celebrity saying my name. I then listened, and he didn't call anyone else by name so I was super proud of myself, at the same time Smith is a pretty safe name to attempt to say.  He answered all the questions, and thoughts that have been wreaking my brain for the past few weeks. So I've been concerned with enduring to the end, and how I can become changed, but not prideful like some return missionaries are. The first thing Elder Anderson says is "You don't need to compare yourself with anyone! The only person you need to compare yourself with is yourself! The Lord knows who you'll become, and you can make yourself become whoever you want because you get to choose, and decide!" Bam, thank you Elder Anderson! Everyone knows that I've been known to laugh with the best of them, and at every chance that I can get, usually leading me to be the only person laughing in an audience. He was talking about how we have to strengthen everyone's faith in Jesus Christ, everyone's, everyone's, everyone's, and then a few more people. He says if we only strengthen people's faith in Christ as we are teaching them lessons we'll miss 75% of our mission (because we really aren't in lessons that much, we wish but it's not reality) clearly he is telling a joke so I die laughing. No one else laughs or even chuckles! He looks right at me, himself laughing, and says "You like my sense of humor!" Oh goodness, my laugh, blessing, and a curse. 

TWO of my investigators got baptized on Saturday!! It was a perfect day! J the 65 year old, golden star got baptized in the morning, and when she put on her white jumpsuit she came out of the change room sobbing because she was soooo happy, and we both just hugged, and cried. She's so ready for a new life. She often says how she only wishes that she could have learned about the gospel sooner in life. She snubbed me yesterday because she didn't want to be late for class. Bless her heart. A from my old area who I worked, prayed, and slaved over for 4 months got baptized! I never thought I'd see the day, she had a lot going against her, but she has such a powerful testimony, and she knows what she wants in life, and she got baptized! It was a perfect day. Love you all.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Alma 26:12

So I am in my new area. I am serving in two family wards in North Las Vegas. I am loving life in these two wards. It truly is a member missionary gold mine, and we have sooo many ideas to help the members.
We are teaching a lady named Jeanice who is the most prepared person of all time. I know that I have never done anything in my life right enough for me to be able to teach her, she is so prepared. Beyond prepared, talking to her you'd think she was a member all her life. She frequently says how she only wishes she would have met the missionaries when she was younger. The Sister's meet her the week before I got here. We teach her everyday, and she is getting baptized on Saturday. She bore her testimony to us after reading 2 Nephi 31, and talked all about how she knows that getting baptized is just a step, that will help her endure to the end, and enter the temple. She loves the temple. She's 65, 108 pounds, and maybe 5'0", and I love her. She has some health problems and her only fear in life is not living long enough to enter the temple. Praise to the man, where do you find someone so devoted to the Lord than little Jeanice? 
My new companion is Sister W, she was raised in the military so moved all over, she's so sweet, she writes poems, loves everyone, and bears these beautiful edge of tears testimonies, and we work great together. She's really good at the passion, and I'm really good at the facts so we bring great balance to each other. 
There is so much work in this area, and it's perfect. I prayed and said that I only want to work in hard areas, that I only want to work so hard for every miracle, and that is this area. There are so many miracles to receive if we do that hard work, and we are excited to work. 
I love my new area, I love my new companion, I love being a missionary. I miss everyone but this is right." 

Mormon 9:19

"If I were to title this week anything is would be miracle week, and frequently throughout the week I would yell 'Let Miracle Week continue!!" I will give you a play by play of miracle work so you to, can glory in God with me. First thing to note: this was the last week of this transfer so there was a good chance me or Sister F would be leaving after this week, so we worked hard. 

Monday: Our investigator had been flaky and not replying to emails so we decided to just stop by her house. When we got there she invited us in, told us all about how her ex bf had been telling her Anti lies, and so we just asked her to testify. She testified beautifully! She told us how she knew this was God's true church, that Joseph Smith really did restore it, how President Monson is a living prophet (side note, we haven't taught her about living prophets yet, she researched for herself), and how she knows that Christ's lives! Her less active Mother also testified that this is the true church, and then set her daughter for baptism. So Ashley is getting baptized on the 14th! Miracle week is off to a good start. 

Tuesday: I was on exchanges with a Sister who this is her second transfer. First we found out one of my favorite less actives quiet smoking! A couple weeks ago we were desperate to find a new investigator so we went through our area book, and texted every former, and potential (over a hundred people), and one blessed soul responded, and invited us over to meet him. He's name is Kevin, he has been meeting with missionaries on, and on for 5 years! We made it clear that we are not here just to talk about religion in general but to talk, about Christ's gospel, and the only way that he can really know for himself if this is true is if he follows the missionaries’ guidance of praying, reading, and going to church. My other favorite formally less active was there, and she testified so powerfully about how you can just feel inside that this is true from the peace it brings. 

Wednesday: I was with a dear Canadian sister for half the day so that was a miracle in itself because we just talked about Canada all day long, well that, and the gospel. Then we had a meeting with our ward missionaries, and there is one ward missionary who loves to reprimand us. Every chance he gets. He asked us what we do all day, and we told him. He pulled out his phone, and gave us 12 referrals! That was so amazing. We have only gotten 4 referrals all 4 months, and then bam 12! 

Thursday: We taught Ashley our investigator the 10 commandments and her two less active parents sat in, and both testified! It was so incredible!!! They use to not even let us in their house, and here we all are sharing our testimonies, and then we all ate cake together!

Friday: This may not seem like that huge of a miracle but we prayed to get a lesson with a member present. We had nothing planned. So we talked to some random two guys on the street. The one ended up being a member, and although we realized fast they were both pretty wasted. We were still about to share a message with them, and prayed with them. Maybe somewhere down the road they will remember the feeling during the prayer. 

Saturday: Bad news! I found out that I am getting transferred! Let me tell you, I cried, so much I couldn't stop myself. I kept going about going things and tears where just streaming down my face. I feel like I have worked so hard in this area without a lot of measurable success. I know it's not about measureable but sometimes that just makes you feel better about yourself. Luckily Heavenly Father knew I would be so upset so He gave me miracle week, and let me tell you it continued. We were able to speak to a less active who we've been trying to see for 4 months, and her active Mom was there. It was perfect. She opened up, and explained why she doesn't go to church, and agreed to receive the missionary lessons. 

Sunday: I told Ashley that I was getting transferred and she started crying. She cried on, and off for all three hours of church. I felt so bad. I bore my testimony, and after we both just held each other, and cried. It was as dramatic as you can imagine. We even shared a Kleenex. She is so strong, and she doesn't need me anymore. She'll be fine without me. I was able to say goodbye to most people I love at church, and have one last dinner at Bishops! 

Well it was a miracle filled week! I know that I am supposed to move on to a different area, I feel peace about it, but my first area will always be dear to my heart. God knows how to make me the best missionary I can be, and if that means being transferred than so be it."