"As a missionary you have a lot of feelings, and emotions all the day. One minute you are on a high because someone says you can come back and the next a low because 9 people ditched on their lessons. I thought to switch things up I would write about all the different feelings I have.
Shocked: I am shocked daily when: with how many people think they are prophets, when a 96 year old Catholic takes me on a tour of her house when I just meet her on the street,when a man who I've been teaching since October thought my name tag said "Ester Smith,"
Happy: when my investigator who I've been teaching since September quit smoking for over 2 months, and got baptized,when my companion, and I talk to every single person that we see, when we bust out our bikes, and talk to everyone we see,when the members tell me that they love me, every Monday my favorite Hawaiian family feeds us and now I call P-day by their last name because I am more excited about going to their house then about P-day, when a member buys our investigator church clothes.
Awkward: when a Hindu man won"t stop calling me Sista', when my companion, and I have to spend 10 minutes trying to understand the difference in pronouncing whore and horse.
Disappointed: when people tell me their wrong address or give me fake phone numbers,
Confused: when people say "yeah, I believe in Christ, but it's not your Christ," or when people say "I'm never going to quick smoking, so no I won't be a Mormon," and I'm thinking "umm all I said was hello,"
Stressed: when I think about I literally have no idea where I am suppose to move after my mission, when I think that 9 months is a short time, when I binge on chocolate,when we have to teach in Relief Society about the priesthood, when none of my whites are white anymore.
I should have thought about this all week because this was really funny. It was a great week! My investigator got baptized! Hip hooray for fulfilling my purpose! Life is great! I love being a missionary! Life is funny, and great, and perfect. LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!"