I'm usually a very upbeat, positive kind of person but can I just let the cat out of the bag and tell everyone about two of my pet peeves. I know the white handbook says not to say anything negative about the areas that you are serving in but no worries this isn't negative about the area; just about life.
#1 When you ask a member about their less active neighbor, friend, or family member or their nonmember friends, neighbor, or family member and they act all cold shoulder, like "I'm not my brother's keeper." What's the deal? I know people don't want to be noisy but come on. Really, it just comes off that you don't care about that persons salvation. Maybe that's dramatic, but really we all know and understand that coming to church is a key to eternal salvation so when you act like you don't care that people aren't at church to me that says "I don't care how many of Heavenly Father's children come back to Him."
#2 "Sister Missionaries" why can't we all just be missionaries. I seriously hate that. Boys never say we are "the Elder missionaries" or male missionaries. People seriously have come up to me and ask "So what do you do? I know what the Elders do but do you just come to our ward or what do you do?" Umm what? Tell me what your son did on his mission and times that by 6 and that's what sister missionaries do. Okay, I actually think we are created equal, but seriously. I sound like women power but that's annoying.......
On to something else that's been on my mind, going along with my pet peeve number one. So lots of members hate missionary work and I understand, that's scary stuff. Talking to someone about the gospel can be scary because that is something that we hold very sacred. It can be scary to think that a person might not agree with you but this is your Zion. It is up to you to make Zion where you are. I have been thinking about that a lot lately. This is your Zion.
It was a great week: an investigator jumped a fence on us so that she didn't have to come to church,
-Everyone thinks I'm super young this week I got asked if I was 18,19, and 17 years old. The gift of the Holy Ghost makes everyone look young.
-We were talking to this man on the street and asked him for he's address and he said "1897 Fo'real." We both looked at each other "For jokes?" he pulls out he's lisence and it says Ferrell. He said some people say "Ferrell and some people say Fo'real."
-During a lesson a member thought it would be a good idea to tell our investigator what her idea of dejavu is. We know that Moses, Adam, and other prophets saw us all individually so she believes that when you had dejavu is when the prophets saw us. Yup, that's a good way to invite the Spirit into a lesson.
-My companion hates my hair. I know, what?
- We had a meeting where Elder Smith and I switched name tags. I thought it was so funny. He was standing up there bearing he's testimony, and his name tag said Sister Smith.
Life's great. Love you"