I miss Canada! I miss Raymond! I miss Raymond summer! I miss Canada Day! Happy Canada Day tomorrow! People try to make me feel better about life and say " You only miss one Christmas!" Little do they understand that Raymond summer is the only thing that makes the world go around especially Canada day. I could do without Christmas but I could never survive without Canada Day. These are true words! I'm not being dramatic. I'm sure my older brother would support that statement; that is that I'm a crazy for Canada Day and not into as Christmas as I should be.
This week was great! Turns out I didn't end up being in a trio for a week. There was more craziness in the mission and my last companion was needed. My new companion is from Oregon: she's 19, blonde, and she loves theater and science. She is a really good teacher and talks to everyone. I have nothing even remotely bad to say about the chap. I also have never heard her complain so that's always pleasant.
My sweet investigator got baptized on Tuesday! He's been going to church with his stepmom since he was about 10 and now that he is 18 he was ready to get baptized. He got the gift of the Holy Ghost and the priesthood on Sunday and he's going to the temple for baptisms this week. It's a dream come true. Sometimes I feel really confused with life on the mission because I feel like I'm just there and somewhere along the way people get baptized. I don't understand it at all but I am so glad that I am along for the ride. The gospel is amazing!
Can I just say that it is getting so hot in Las Vegas, Nevada. I forgot how hot, hot, hot, hot, hot it is here? Sunscreen is my best friend; right after the Holy Ghost, the scriptures, and my companion. I also some how have it stuck in my head that I am getting too many freckles so I am applying that stuff every other hour and then some.
My investigator has read all of 1st and 2nd Nephi in 2 weeks but it's so sad because he said that it just doesn't influence him but he's committed to read the whole book. I saw my cute little 9 year old pal after his baptism. His Dad gave him a playful pat on the back and he said "Dad, you hit my Holy Ghost." ahhh that's so cute.
I gave a talk in church yesterday. It might have been my finest hour. I told everyone that we need to be more confident like Christ. I said "I promise you that people are only as awkward as you are." I then went on to tell people that at the end of Christ ministry people just expected him to perform miracles and that is how it is with nonmembers. They just expect us to invite them to dinner, to church, to read the Book of Mormon, to meet with the missionaries. They are just waiting for it. Don't worry I'll quickly put in a request to the Bishop to perform the same talk when I get home. Well, God is good always."