Monday, August 5, 2013

D&C 28:16

 "Hiiii, everything is great as ever. I love being on a mission more and more everyday. I think part of that is because I understand my role, and who I am as a missionary better and better everyday. It was harder at first because I was confused with how to act, and what to say. Now, I just act how I think and say what words come out of my mouth and it's perfect. The greatest miracle that I am seeing on my mission lately is that when I just start talking the Holy Ghost always tells me what to say. Often times this last week people were telling me that they really appreciate what I said, or that it was what they needed to hear, or something along those lines. Its so great because I know that it is not me at all. There is nothing about Shealeigh Smith that could help these people, I know that it is all the Lord, and I LOVE that. Truly, the help that I could bring as Shealeigh is nothing compared to the eternal happiness that me being Sister Smith for 18 months can bring these people. I love the restored gospel. It lights up my life, and makes everything right."

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