Friday, October 10, 2014

3 Nephi 17:10

This week was great as all weeks being a missionary are. I just love doing a list of my highlights from the week so here we go.
Monday: Our recent convert who is 9 years old was talking about this mean lady and he said "I bet she repents a lot." We died laughing. His Mom was really stressed and she told her that she just needs Christ and it'll all be fine. He's the cutest. 
Tuesday: Our 15 year old investigator told us that he isn't ready to be baptized. After talking to him for a while we realized that they reason he didn't feel ready is because he had no idea what a baptism would be like. He thought they'd push him face down into the water and he was really scared. When he explained it he was more excited but still nervous because he doesn't like to get his afro wet. 
Wednesday: We saw the Dad and son combo. They are so tender. We talked about the Word of Wisdom and at the end the 9 year old said "I have a question, so can kids drink tea?" We died laughing. For some reason he thought kids got a freebie on the Word of Wisdom. 
Thursday: We had my very last Zone Training Meeting. It was great! In it I had a suggestion and they made me come up and role play it in front of everyone. So unplanned. Then at the end they made me bare my testimony because it's my very last one. I was holding back tears the whole time. I talked about how living the gospel is like digging a hole in the sand. At first we see lots of progress and move lots of sand but then we feel like we aren't progressing because sand just keeps falling back into the hole. I then talked about how Heavenly Father just cares that we keep digging. We are progressing more than we realize. I don'tknow where that came from; it just came out. 
Friday: We went to the temple! I love the temple! 
Saturday and Sunday: Was blessed General Conference days! I love General Conference. I learned so much. I learned a lot about prayer and agency. I think it's amazing how much Heavenly Father trusts us and most times we just need to learn how to trust ourselves and apply the simple formula that He gives all His children. Pray, read the scriptures, go to church, and keep the commandments  It answers all the questions we have. 
It was a great, great, great week!

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